Name and logo on the Silvis Main Street website under Partnership Directory. The company’s name, contact information, address, and direct link to the business website will be included.
4 "Partnership Spotlights" on social media to showcase your business. These can be in the form of a post or a Facebook Live based on the business’s preference. Businesses can do a combination or either or. Shared on the Silvis Main Street Facebook.
2 ads in the monthly Silvis Main Street e-newsletter
Silvis Main Street Sponsor yard sign/window sticker
Ribbon Cutting opportunities for new businesses or those who are celebrating a grand re-opening, new venture or moving to another location in the area.
Event sponsorship opportunities – Receiving first dibs on sponsorship opportunities for Main Street events
Unlimited Facebook Shares - posts can be sent to SMS and we will share them on our page
Free job postings on our Employment Opportunities page
Business After Hours events hosted by members in a fun, social environment to promote networking and partnership amongst current and prospective Silvis Main Street Partners
Name and logo on the Silvis Main Street website under Partnership Directory. The company’s name, contact information, address, and direct link to the business website will be included.
2 "Partnership Spotlights" on social media to showcase your business. These can be in the form of a post or a Facebook Live based on the business’s preference. Businesses can do a combination or either or. Shared on the Silvis Main Street Facebook.
1 ad in the monthly Silvis Main Street e-newsletter
Silvis Main Street Sponsor yard sign/window sticker
Ribbon Cutting opportunities for new businesses or those who are celebrating a grand re-opening, new venture or moving to another location in the area.
Event sponsorship opportunities – Receiving first dibs on sponsorship opportunities for Main Street events
Unlimited Facebook Shares - posts can be sent to SMS and we will share them on our page
Business After Hours events hosted by members in a fun, social environment to promote networking and partnership amongst current and prospective Silvis Main Street Partners
Name and logo on the Silvis Main Street website under Partnership Directory. The company’s name, contact information, address, and direct link to the business website will be included.
1 "Partnership Spotlight" on social media to showcase your business. These can be in the form of a post or a Facebook Live based on the business’s preference. Businesses can do a combination or either or. Shared on the Silvis Main Street Facebook.
Silvis Main Street Sponsor yard sign/window sticker
Ribbon Cutting opportunities for new businesses or those who are celebrating a grand re-opening, new venture or moving to another location in the area.
Event sponsorship opportunities – Receiving first dibs on sponsorship opportunities for Main Street events
Unlimited Facebook Shares - posts can be sent to SMS and we will share them on our page
Business After Hours events hosted by members in a fun, social environment to promote networking and partnership amongst current and prospective Silvis Main Street Partners
Name and logo on the Silvis Main Street website under Partnership Directory. The company’s name, contact information, address, and direct link to the business website will be included.
Silvis Main Street Sponsor yard sign/window sticker
Ribbon Cutting opportunities for new businesses or those who are celebrating a grand re-opening, new venture or moving to another location in the area.
Event sponsorship opportunities – Receiving first dibs on sponsorship opportunities for Main Street events
Unlimited Facebook Shares - posts can be sent to SMS and we will share them on our page
Business After Hours events hosted by members in a fun, social environment to promote networking and partnership amongst current and prospective Silvis Main Street Partners